Capital Markets Chamber

Debate: This house believes first mover advantage in liquidity risk was a good idea


Tim Buenker, Policy Advisor, Prudential Capital and Risk, British Bankers' Association (BBA)
Don DeLoach, CEO Aleri
Scott Eaton, Managing Principal, BroadStreet Group (UK)
Gavin Quinn, Liquidity Risk Action Network

Number 49 of the G20’s 92 action points calls for “a global framework for promoting stronger liquidity buffers at financial institutions, including cross-border institutions, by 2010.” Credit Suisse research predicts higher liquid buffers could result in a drop in EU banking profits of 20-25%.
The UK’s own PS09/16 cost benefit analysis has concluded the impact of the new practices on the banking sector will cost up to £9.2 billion per annum. This will be passed on to the wider economy through higher bank charges.
Despite firms being only 49% prepared to meet their systems and controls, stress testing and reporting requirements, we are barrelling head first towards a 1 December kick-off for most of the 2,800 affected firms in the UK.

This is good, as the UK is now a better and safer place for the customer to do their banking ... or is it?

Come and learn what over 30 firms think the UK’s liquidity risk implementation league table looks like and where the international problems lie. Research findings will be presented and the conclusions debated by our expert panel.

You will have a chance to challenge the experts and air your thoughts to set the house view under the Chatham House rule.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

18:00 - 20:30 GMT



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  • Tim Buenker
    Policy Advisor
    Prudential Capital and Risk
  • Don DeLoach
  • Scott Eaton
    Managing Principal
    BroadStreet Group
  • Gavin Quinn
    Liquidity Risk Action Network

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