Building Urban Resilience

Background: Building urban resilience in the face of environmental, socioeconomic, and political uncertainty and risk has captured the attention of politicians and practitioners across disciplines and scales. Resilience is both a goal to aspire to and a state of mind. Resilience to climate change has come to mean resilience to extreme heat on one side and flash flooding on the other. In this talk, Samer proposes to unpack the meaning of resilience, how it is defined, and how the resilience capacity building agenda relates to that of sustainable development.


Professor Samer Bagaeen is the LCAG Single Point of Contact for the Chartered Surveyors. He is a Technical Director in Town Planning & Stakeholder Capability at Arcadis and previously worked as an Associate Director with the Rockefeller Foundation resilient cities network supporting a number of cities on their resilience journey.He is Professor of Planning & Resilient Systems at the University of Kent and Visiting Professor in Urban Resilience at Imperial College London. He was invited into RICS Fellowship in 2012.He is a Trustee of the Royal Town Planning Institute and on his second term as a Design Council Expert, supporting the Council’s Design for Planet Mission.Samer was elected to Brighton & Hove City Council in 2019 and re-elected in 2023. He presently sits as an Independent.

Monday, 02 September 2024

11:00 - 11:45 BST


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    Professor Samer Bagaeen
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