Beyond Investing operates at the cusp of impact investing and focuses on an under-regarded population, exploited animals, and has identified that this practice holds back the progress of humanity by making it all but impossible to achieve many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. A veteran of financial markets for 35 years, the founder Claire Smith develops investment products that “divest from the bad and support the good” with programs than span the investment market from mega-caps through to start-ups, including an innovative new platform that intends to democratize impact by bringing investment in green start-ups to the masses.
Claire Smith is the founder of humane investment platform Beyond Investing. She is a vegan and environmentalist with 34 years’ experience in finance and investment at top-tier banks and investment houses, including UBS and Albourne Partners.
Based in Switzerland, Claire is the founder of Beyond Cruelty Foundation, formed to campaign for zero animal exploitation and to fund safe havens for animals, which will also receive a portion of profits of companies under the Beyond Investing umbrella.
Together with IT strategist Dhanesh Kothar, Claire co-founded the Beyond Animal integrated digital platform, which aims to accelerate the growth of the global vegan economy.
Previously, Claire was a research analyst, partner and shareholder at alternatives advisory firm Albourne Partners, covering managers globally across systematic quantitative equity, convertible and volatility and hedging strategies. Claire also led a project to expand Albourne's proprietary database on alternatives managers and digitize the research process.
Prior to joining Albourne in 2004, Claire provided bespoke hedge fund research to London funds of funds and published well over 100 articles in the financial press, including the Financial Times and The Economist.
Wednesday, 08 July 2020
11:00 - 11:45 BST
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