Alex Cartoon: 25 Years Of Satirising The City

25 Years Of Alex, A Celebration!

We entertained Alex at the Financial Services Club last night …

… or rather, we entertained Charles Peattie and Russell Taylor, Alex’s creators.

Or rather, they entertained us …

It was an enthralling evening and a walk down memory lane for some of us, as Alex is 25 years old!

He started with mobile telephones the size of bricks and now has a middle-aged spread and technology that means he sits with a blackberry on the beach doing deals …

Alex is full of bad habits and vices, but has one redeeming feature.

His wallet.

Russell and Charles made it clear that Alex always does the opposite of what we would do.

He’s always looking at the wealth side of life.

All in all, a wonderfully entertaining and fun evening,


Alex is a British cartoon strip by Charles Peattie and Russell Taylor. It first appeared in 1987 and moved to the Daily Telegraph in 1992. In 2012, Alex celebrates his 25thbirthday and the Financial Services Club is delighted to host this birthday party for the City’s funniest pin-striped suit anti-hero.

Charles Peattie was born in 1958 and studied painting at St Martin's School of Art. During the early eighties he worked as a portrait painter, freelance cartoonist and designer of greetings cards. He also produced (with Mark Warren) the legendary 'Dick' cartoon in Melody Maker. Charles is a recovering workaholic who is currently developing various projects for TV and Tapisodes for the iPhone. He has four children and lives in London.

Russell Taylor was born in 1960. He read Russian and Philosophy at Oxford University and, after failing to be recruited by the counter-intelligence services of either Cold War power, drifted into journalism. He met Charles at a Christmas party in 1986. Charles had a commission for a strip for the financial pages of the incipient London Daily News. The result was Alex.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

18:00 BST



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    Charles Peattie and Russell Taylor
    creators of the Alex Cartoon series

IoD hub, City of London
New Broad Street House, 35 New Broad Street
London EC2M 1NH

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