An Update On EU Financial Services Legislation & Associated Initiatives

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Background: A regular speaker at the FS Club, David Doyle is back to give a mid-year update on the EU financial services regulatory agenda.

He will be covering some of the most contentious and game-changing pieces of EU legislation in the financial services space, notably:

  • Implications for financial institutions and associated firms of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
  • A deep-dive into the DORA Regulatory Technical Standards, especially criteria for the designation of ICT third-party service providers as critical for financial entities
  • Priorities of the new European Parliament and EC in financial services regulation


Dr David Doyle is known across Europe as one of the leading experts on EU financial services regulation and long-standing speaker at the Financial Services Club. A former diplomat with over 20 years of service on mainland Europe, spanning both bilateral and multilateral deployments, he now acts as an EU Policy Expert between Brussels and London, specialising in regulatory developments in banking, fund management and insurance.  He interfaces on a regular basis with key policy-makers and legislators in the corridors of all three EU Institutions (EC, European Parliament and Council), and, in addition, ESMA, the ECB and IOSCO.

He is a member of the Executive Board of the joint MEP-EU industry advocacy body, The Kangaroo Group at the European Parliament, holds a seat on the Board of Directors of the Genesis Initiative at Westminster that promotes entrepreneurship and SME policy.  David sits on the Advisory Council of Montis Group.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

11:00 - 11:45 BST



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  • Photo_David_Doyle
    Dr David Doyle
    Board, Kangaroo Group (EU Parliament)
    EU Policy Director, The Genesis Initiative
  • Charlotte Dawber-Ashley
    Charlotte Dawber-Ashley
    FS Club Manager
    Z/Yen Group