A Blueprint For Resilience In 2035

Economy, Infrastructure, Skills, & Intelligence - What Steps Are Required To Deliver Resilience By 2035?


Background: The 2024 Cityforum Resilience round table was particularly well received both because of the expertise of the speakers and the range of subjects covered. Both the Office of the Chief Scientific Adviser and the National Preparedness Commission were enthusiastic and a report of the event by Stephen Hawker will provide the occasion for a significant discussion of how to proceed in providing resilience against a multitude of frequently interrelated threats. Hugh Morris of Z/Yen who spoke on financial resilience will chair this special webinar on the Hawker report and what should follow.


Katie Barnes is Executive Director of the National Preparedness Commission (NPC). She has held leadership and consulting roles in profit- and not-for-profit sectors with a focus on outcomes-driven system-wide strategy development and is skilled at surfacing and addressing barriers to change or policy implementation. Katie co-led the policy and governance workstream of a 5 year research programme on 'liveable' cities and has recently completed a 10-year term as trustee, then Interim CEO of a London educational charity.

Candida Whitmill is the Managing Director of Penultimate Power UK, leading a UK Consortium in an international collaboration. The mission is to build a domestic and export market for the innovative, ultra-safe High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor, creating and sustaining jobs across the UK nuclear fuel cycle and supply chain.

Candida has previously been an energy advisor to three Secretaries of State for energy and has had many papers and articles published on various energy sectors including gas, renewables and nuclear. She has lectured at universities across the UK and in Europe and has media experience on both radio and TV. Formerly the Chairman of the UK Tidal Forum, she worked extensively with her team on a £9m feasibility study for the £20bn Severn Barrage.

Candida is an energy professional with an entrepreneurial business background. Her interests include extracting economic and social benefits from decarbonisation, rather than allowing it to become another financial burden for businesses and consumers. She has been working on Small Modular Reactors and Advanced Modular Reactors since 2011.

Madeleine Moon represented the Bridgend constituency at Westminster from 2005 to 2019. She joined the Defence Select Committee in 2009. She chaired sub-committees reporting on the safety and welfare of military personnel on training and exercises, the use of Remotely Piloted Air Systems and defence in the Arctic. Madeleine was a member of the UK Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly from 2010, serving as a member of the Defence and Security Committee. She was elected President in November 2018. Since leaving Westminster Madeleine has continued to work in defence facing organisations including City Forum and also joined the European Leadership Network.

Paul Killworth was appointed as the UK’s Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser for National Security in mid-2021, following a range of leadership and operational roles in GCHQ and other parts of government. In his current role, he is responsible for giving independent scientific advice on national security issues and working with the wider network of scientific advisers to address cross departmental issues. He holds a doctorate in the social anthropology of the military, and writes on themes surrounding technology, privacy and security. Paul was appointed as the National Security Innovation Champion at the end of 2021 by the National Security Adviser, to help the national security community deliver the commitments in the UK’s Integrated Review.

Stephen Hawker is a former senior member of the UK intelligence and security community. Since 2006 he has worked as an independent consultant providing insight to government and the commercial sector in the UK and overseas on national security and intelligence issues. He has also served as a member of the Advisory Board of BAE Systems Applied Intelligence. He is a member of the Security Vetting Appeals Panel (SVAP) and the Advisory Council on National Records and Archives (ACNRA). Stephen has undertaken significant assignments at Board level in the public and private sectors including Capability Reviews of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), benchmarking reviews of overseas security and intelligence services and other capacity building and training in Africa and the Middle East. In 2011 he undertook an independent international review of security clearance arrangements for the government of New Zealand. Stephen has been a Non-Executive Director of FCO Services, Chairman of Critical-Link Ltd and an independent member of the FCO Consular Management Board. He was specialist adviser to the House of Lords sub-committee reviewing the EU’s Internal Security Strategy in 2011 and one of the ‘Critical Friends’ advising the Home Office on security arrangements for the 2012 London Olympics. Stephen serves as Senior Associate of Cityforum and offers guidance across a wide range of its activities.

Thursday, 18 July 2024

10:30 - 12:00 BST


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  • Katie Barnes
    Katie Barnes
    Executive Director
    National Preparedness Commission
  • Candida Whitmill photo
    Candida Whitmill
    Managing Director
    Penultimate Power UK
  • Madeleine Moon 2
    Madeleine Moon
    Former Chair
    NATO Parliamentary Assembly
  • Paul Killworth
    Dr Paul Killworth
    Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser for National Security
    Office of the Chief Scientific Adviser
  • Stephen Hawker
    Stephen Hawker
    Former Senior Member Intelligence & Security Community
    Associate Cityforum
  • Hugh_Morris_emailcompressed
    Hugh Morris
    Senior Research Partner
    Z/Yen Group

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